Companies, large and small, occasionally run into funding issues. This may be a result of any number of issues such as:
Short operating history
Expansion into new markets
Slow paying receivables
Merger or acquisition
Loss of major accounts
Perfection Financial Solutions, a division of Perfection Global, was created to assist companies that find themselves in need of funding and are encountering circumstances, which preclude them from borrowing from traditional sources. At Perfection Financial Solutions we provide capital based on the value of your assets, not just on a measure of cash flow or leverage ratios.
Our application and approval process is fast and straight forward. No credit committees or detailed financial requirements.
Since 1963, Perfection Global, has been providing surplus asset management solutions for small business enterprises up to Global Fortune 500 companies, allowing us to quickly determine the capital we can loan from your assets.
Contact Perfection Financial Solutions today to discuss how our financial solutions can work for you. Or, call us at (847) 427-3333.
Bridge Loans
A bridge loan is interim financing for a business that needs to recapitalize its balance sheets, move the business forward by mitigating delays to a project, provide the capital needed to fulfill a new opportunity or weather a challenging business situation. Bridge Loans are typically offered for a short period of time (usually 4 - 9 months). Perfection Financial Solutions (PFS) provides bridge financing utilizing short term notes and sale leaseback products to quickly fund transactions for companies that are under pressure or in distress. A PFS Bridge Loan is often the best option for a distressed company trying to continue operations while undergoing a formal turnaround, dealing with the workout department at their bank or searching for a potential acquirer or large investor.
Short Term Working Capital Loans
This type of loan can provide a needed cushion for businesses facing other challenges, including:
Strained or severed relationship with their bank.
Recent operating losses resulting in reduced cash reserves.
Longer repayment period demanded by customers.
The need to increase inventory to support sales growth.
New customer acquisition or additional product lines.
It is important to identify whether the funding need is a short term situation that will correct itself in less than twelve months or if it’s a permanent situation that will take time to rebuild cash balances. While PFS typically provides short term loans, we are able to explore longer term funding solutions.
Bank Note Purchases
Whether it’s because of a borrower’s ongoing operating losses, a lenders fear of increasing loss exposure or a general deterioration in the relationship, banks look for investors to take their problem notes off their books so that they can continue to lend and not have the regulators breathing down their neck. At PFS we are actively looking for opportunities to step in and buy banks distressed commercial assets and non-performing commercial loans.
Sub-performing loans
These “high maintenance” accounts require a tremendous amount of collection effort to reason with, cajole, harangue and beseech the tardy borrowers to make their payments. In some cases there may be rolling late payments, back payments already added to the outstanding principal or an existing forbearance agreement between the lender and the borrowers to stave off a foreclosure.
Non-performing loans
These are accounts where the attempts to collect have been unsuccessful and the borrower is simply not paying at all. It is in arrears with back payments and other expenses due.